Cake Causas

All cake causas are sold with 72 hours in advance. If needed ahead, don’t hesitate on contacting us, we may be able to prepare it. Each cake causa contains 10 - 12 portions.


All empanadas are sold with 72 hours in advance. If needed ahead, don’t hesitate on contacting us, we may be able to prepare it. There is a minimum order of 12 units.


All lasagnas are sold with 72 hours in advance. If needed ahead, don’t hesitate on contacting us, we may be able to prepare it. Each lasagna contains 5 - 6 portions.


All platters are sold with 72 hours in advance. If needed ahead, don’t hesitate on contacting us, we may be able to prepare it. There is a minimum order (per platter) of 10 servings.